Fruits Basket Manga (warning, spoilers and swearing)

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3 Responses to “Fruits Basket Manga (warning, spoilers and swearing)”

  1. ria Says:

    I didn’t read the manga, but I’m halfway through the anime. It’s okay, but way too shoujo for me. I still plan to finish it though, even though I know how it’s gonna end.

  2. azelfandy Says:

    I reading fruits basket!! I’m a volume 10. So far it’s good.
    I saw all the episodes in the anime. Uh I hav a question for u. Are u obssesed with Fruits Basket?
    I know I’m not. I just like it :D :P

  3. angevon1 Says:

    I’ve only seen a few eps of the anime.

    I heard the anime and manga have different endings, which makes sense because the anime is only the first 12 or so books. Rin doesn’t even show up in it (which is no big loss, really. Too bad it wasn’t Hiro and Kisa cut out).

    And no, I’m not obsessed. I don’t get fan-crazy over things.

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